Julie Hudnall & Marc Dinsbach                                                                                                             20-22 October 2006
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Our Story Our Engagement Our Wedding Family & Friends Tips for Travellers Additional Info

Julie's Story
I was born June 11th 1975 in Washington DC  and grew up in Fort Washington, Maryland. After graduating from the University 
108th st- amsterdam ave of Maryland with a degree in Psychology, I moved to New York City to an apartment on 108th Street, just off Amsterdam Avenue. Two fabuous years later I moved back to DC where I shared a house in Georgetown before crossing the Atlantic to arrive in the Netherlands. In Leiden I completed an MBA and was then hired by ArvinMeritor, a Tier-1 automotive supplier, to work for their European headquarters in Procurement.  

Marc's Story
I was born June 16th 1976 in Breda and grew up in  Teteringen. At the age of 18, I moved to Rotterdam to study economics at the Erasmus University.  It was a busy period  for me being a CFO for Casino Riche, organizing a study tour to Silicon Valley and
enjoying  the student life as part of the Jaarclub Jerommeke, R.S.C. After graduating I worked for Nutricia in Zoetermeer, followed by Claritas in Leiderdorp, which became Acxiom Netherlands and relocated its office to Amsterdam. To avoid traffic jams, be closer to my two sisters and of course for my grote liefde, I moved to Amsterdam.  In april 2006 I was hired by Asics Europe, a new challenge in an exciting year of change! Oude Haven

Our  Story
We met each other for the f irst time June 26th 2004  in Rotterdam. We both were there  for an evening of cheering on the Dutch 
Penalty save by Dutch Goalkeeper

soccer team in the European Cup match against Sweden. Julie was invited by Sofie, a good friend she met while studying Dutch in Leiden and Marc was invited by Mark, a college roommate and part of the club that went to Silicon Valley. That evening while we were celebrating the Dutch victory, we unexpectatedly fell in love. 

We are grateful to Sofie and Mark for their friendship and for giving us the opportunity to find each other!